Question and answer

We deliver our products exclusively to wholesalers or florists. We do not deliver to private individuals.

Yes. Our preserved roses are 100% real. The natural juices in the rose become replaced by a liquid mixture of glycerin, water and dyes. This process is environmentally friendly and not harmful to health. The flower actually retains its color and shape.

Thanks to a natural preservation technique, preserved flowers retain their flexibility, unlike dried or freeze-dried flowers, which remain fragile and crunchy.

It is difficult to talk about the longevity of our flowers. Several factors influence this: exposure to sunlight, humidity and maintenance. We prefer to talk about ‘quality of life’ because each flower behaves differently over time. Some lose their color somewhat while others darken. The flower does not change radically from one day to the next! However, it is possible to indicate that under optimal conditions of use, our preserved flowers remain intact from a few months to until 2 á 3 years.

  1.  Store in a cool, dry and dark place.
  2.  Do not expose to direct sunlight or LED light
  3.  Avoid contact with water, dye can cause stains
  4.  Avoid crushing, pressing or folding the petals
  5.  Use in dry, cool environment
  6.  Removing dust with a make-up brush
  7.  A preserved rose is not edible

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